5 Tips for Postpartum Sexual Health

In the whirlwind of welcoming a new life into the world, the postpartum period often becomes consumed with the 24/7 demands of caring for a newborn. Sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and constant feeds dominate the agenda, leaving little energy or time for self-care and nurturing intimate relationships. It is no wonder that postpartum sexual wellness tends to take a backseat during this transformative phase.

However, it is vital to recognize that a parent's journey doesn't end with childbirth. In fact, this is only the beginning, as navigating the intricate terrain of postpartum sexual wellness plays a crucial role in overall well-being. Amidst the flurry of baby-centric activities, it is easy for partners and new parents to overlook their own needs and the importance of maintaining a healthy sexual connection. Yet, approaching postpartum sexual wellness is a gateway to revitalizing intimacy, fostering emotional bonds, and reclaiming a sense of self outside of motherhood.

Let’s look at the facts: Studies show that about 83% of postpartum folks may experience sexual dysfunction within the first three months of having a baby, while 89% of postpartum folks may experience sexual dysfunction within the first year of having a baby. So it’s important not to overlook this crucial part of your well-being.

Looking at postpartum sexual wellness isn't about rushing into physical intimacy; instead, it's about appreciating the complex interplay of physical, emotional, and psychological factors that impact a person's well-being. Hormonal changes, body image concerns, fatigue, and the emotional adjustment to motherhood can all contribute to a shift in sexual desire and satisfaction. Delving into the topic of postpartum sexual wellness allows new parents to acknowledge and address these challenges openly, fostering a deeper understanding and empathy within their relationship. It offers an opportunity for partners to communicate, explore alternative ways of intimacy, and seek support through this transitional phase of life.
By prioritizing postpartum sexual wellness, individuals can regain confidence in their bodies, overcome anxieties, and reclaim pleasure in their sexual experiences. This intentional focus on self-care and reconnection breathes new life into relationships, nurturing a healthy foundation for parenting and the overall well-being of the family unit.

What exactly is sexual dysfunction?

Sexual dysfunction is a common concern that affects individuals across all stages of life, including the postpartum period. While many people may assume that becoming a parent automatically ignites a renewed sense of passion, the truth is that the unique physiological and emotional changes experienced during this time can significantly impact a woman's sexual function.

Female sexual dysfunction encompasses a range of issues that can hinder sexual satisfaction and intimacy. One common type is low arousal or desire where one may experience a decreased interest in sexual activity. This could result from hormonal changes, fatigue, or emotional adjustment post-pregnancy. Another type is dyspareunia, characterized by pain or discomfort during intercourse, often caused by physical trauma from childbirth, hormonal fluctuations, or emotional factors. Lastly, orgasmic disorders may prevent one from achieving sexual climax, influenced by hormonal changes, fatigue, or stress.

The postpartum period is a time of tremendous adjustment, physically and emotionally, for new mothers. From hormonal shifts to sleep deprivation and the challenges of transitioning into motherhood, these factors can all contribute to sexual dysfunction. Vaginal dryness, for example, is a common issue due to decreased estrogen levels after childbirth. The fear of pain and anxiety related to parenting responsibilities can also influence a woman's sexual desire and arousal. Additionally, fatigue and lack of time for intimacy can strain the couple's sexual relationship.

Understanding and addressing sexual dysfunction in the postpartum period is crucial for the overall well-being and quality of life for both the postpartum person and their partners. Seeking support from healthcare providers, such as OBGYNs, Midwives, Pelvic Floor Specialists, or sex therapists, can provide valuable guidance and solutions. Communication between partners is equally vital, fostering empathy and understanding during this transformative journey.
By acknowledging and normalizing the challenges faced by women in the postpartum period, society can foster an environment where women feel empowered to address their intimate concerns and seek appropriate assistance. With support, education, and resources, women can reclaim and nurture their sexual well-being, reestablishing fulfilling connections that enhance overall family dynamics.

Here are a couple of tips to help you focus on sexuality during your postpartum period:

  1. Communication is Key:

    In the postpartum period, effective communication plays a pivotal role in building postpartum sexual health. Drawing on Gottman theory, cultivating an environment of open and empathetic communication between partners becomes essential. Engaging in honest conversations about desires, concerns, and fears surrounding postpartum sexuality establishes a foundation of trust and emotional intimacy. Couples can benefit from adopting Gottman's concepts of attunement, turning towards, and positive sentiment override. Attunement allows partners to synchronize their emotional responses, promoting understanding and connection. Turning towards each other with active listening and validation fosters a sense of emotional support, making it easier to discuss sensitive topics. By fostering a positive sentiment override, couples can reframe challenges as opportunities for growth and view postpartum sexual health as a shared journey. Through effective communication techniques inspired by Gottman theory, couples can strengthen their bond and navigate the postpartum period with sensitivity and understanding, setting the stage for a fulfilling and healthy postpartum sexual relationship.

  2. Take it Slow:

    Recognize that your body has undergone significant changes. Be patient and prioritize emotional connection before physical intimacy. Taking it slow during the postpartum period is essential for building postpartum sexual health. After giving birth, new parents must focus on non-sexual physical affection as a way to reconnect and rebuild intimacy. Holding hands, hugging, and gentle caresses can help establish a sense of comfort and trust between partners. You can also look at the 6 Levels of Intimacy and brainstorm on ways to connect during this period. This allows the body to heal, both physically and emotionally, providing a solid foundation for the eventual return to sexual intimacy. By prioritizing non-sexual physical affection, couples can establish a new rhythm in their relationship, creating a safe space to navigate the changes that come with the postpartum period.

  3. Self-Care Matters:

    Self-care during the postpartum period is crucial for overall well-being, including the formation of postpartum sexual health. The physical, emotional, and hormonal changes that accompany childbirth can have a significant impact on a person's sexuality. Engaging in self-care practices, such as getting adequate rest, nourishing the body with healthy foods, and engaging in gentle exercise, can help restore energy levels and promote healing. Mental and emotional self-care, such as practicing mindfulness and seeking support from loved ones, can also help new mothers navigate the emotional challenges that may arise. Allowing time for self-exploration and fostering a positive body image are essential aspects of postpartum self-care that can contribute to the development of a healthy and fulfilling postpartum sexual relationship. Communicating openly with one's partner about desires, boundaries, and concerns is equally important. By prioritizing self-care throughout the postpartum period, women can lay the foundation for healthy sexuality and overall well-being. If you need to focus in on your self-care, try the Self-Soothe Kit Exercise!

  4. Take Care of your Pelvic Floor:

    Taking care of and being patient with your pelvic floor is crucial for postpartum sexual wellness. During childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles undergo immense strain and trauma, leading to potential dysfunctions such as weakened muscles, incontinence issues, pain, or loss of sensation. These issues can significantly impact sexual intimacy and satisfaction. It is therefore essential to prioritize pelvic floor health and seek the support of a pelvic floor physical therapist (like our friends at Madrona Physical Therapy), who becomes your best friend through this journey. A certified Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist can address specific pelvic floor dysfunctions postpartum, guiding you through exercises, stretches, and techniques to strengthen and rehabilitate the muscles effectively. Their expertise will not only help restore pelvic floor function and reduce pain but also enhance sexual well-being, allowing you to regain confidence and enjoy a fulfilling intimate life.

  5. Seek Professional Guidance:

    If you're facing challenges, don't hesitate to seek guidance from a healthcare professional or a sex therapist. They can provide personalized advice, address concerns, and offer strategies for a healthy postpartum sexual journey. Sex therapists possess specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of sexual health, making them uniquely qualified to address postpartum sexual dysfunction. They have expertise in understanding the complexities of sexual functioning, including the physical, emotional, and relational factors that contribute to sexual difficulties. A sex therapist's training enables them to offer evidence-based assessments, interventions, and strategies tailored specifically to postpartum individuals. Additionally, sex therapists can help with:

    Emotional Support and Validation
    Navigating sexual dysfunction during postpartum can be emotionally distressing and isolating. A sex therapist provides a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to share their concerns, fears, and frustrations. They validate the emotional and psychological impact of sexual difficulties during this period and offer tailored support to address any psychological barriers that may exist. This kind of emotional support can significantly alleviate anxiety, guilt, and shame, helping individuals regain confidence in their sexuality.
    Comprehensive Assessment of Contributing Factors
    Postpartum sexual dysfunction can arise due to a variety of factors, including physical changes, hormonal fluctuations, fatigue, and psychological adjustment challenges. A sex therapist conducts a comprehensive assessment to identify potential underlying causes. By exploring physical health, lifestyle, relationship dynamics, and personal history, they can develop a holistic understanding of the problem. This assessment allows for the creation of a customized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs and concerns of the individual.

    Tailored Treatment Strategies
    Sex therapists employ a range of evidence-based interventions and strategies to address postpartum sexual dysfunction. Through education, they can provide information about normal postpartum changes, including physical recovery, breastfeeding impact on libido, and contraception choices. Therapists may also provide sensate focus exercises, communication techniques, and cognitive-behavioral strategies to help couples reconnect and rebuild intimacy. Furthermore, they can recommend alternative sexual activities and positions that accommodate physical discomfort or other limitations experienced during this phase.
    Restoring Intimacy and Strengthening Relationships
    Postpartum sexual dysfunction can strain intimate relationships and lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and disconnection. Seeking help from a sex therapist is instrumental in addressing these challenges within the context of the relationship. By fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding, a sex therapist can help couples navigate the emotional impact of postpartum sexual dysfunction and facilitate the development of shared goals. Through this process, individuals can rebuild intimacy and strengthen their bond, enhancing overall relationship satisfaction.

Nice job on making it to the end! So we have learned that new parents must understand and address the physical and emotional changes they may experience to maintain a healthy and satisfying intimate life. At Creative Wellbeings, PLLC, we understand the complexities of postpartum sexual health and offer specialized expertise in helping women navigate this sensitive phase of their lives. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team of professionals is dedicated to providing holistic support and evidence-based guidance to empower new mothers to reclaim their sexual wellbeing. Allow us to be your trusted partner on your journey to a fulfilling postpartum sexual experience.

If you are in Tacoma, WA and want to work with us then head over to our contact page to get started!

-Jenn Parretta


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